I went going in for a sub 24 hr finish. Was I trained for that? Not sure, but once I saw the big fat sub 24 buckle. I wanted it! Just wish I'd seen it three months ago. When I should have been training to run rather than biking.
We left home early and got to the park in time to get a nice spot to set up our camp. Driving from Redlands does not take long but it sure would have been nice if Arizona had open rest stops. Times are tough when the state can't afford to let you pee! We settled in to a great spot and were able to back the truck right up against our camp. I love this race for the shear fact you can set up and not have to move for the rest of the weekend.
Javelina was a last minute entry for me. I was supposed to run the AC100 this year and the Station fire decided I wouldn't. I like how life works out. AC would have crippled me. Not that JJ is easy it's just the downhills of AC would have reduced my quads to mush much earlier. The race was closed and Jamil was very cool to open 50 or so more spots to those of us that did not get to run AC. lucky for me I have the worlds best wife, she is awsome! Here is a quick example, as soon as I got in to the race she signed up to volunteer, and volunteer she did! She worked the registration table on Friday night, food prep and the main aid station all day Saturday! Not to mention making sure I had everything I needed throughout the day.
So when it comes to racing I can get a bit nutty. I pack two or three times, days before I go. And yes I usually over pack! Pants I forgot to pack pants. Turns out Friday night in the dessert was a bit chilly. Shana brought down! Smart woman. We hit the rack pretty early and the symphony of alarms and wake up farts echoed through the campsite. Tents aren't real sound barriers. Had a little coffee, some grub, a few trips to the restroom and I'm ready to go!