We went up San Gorgonio mountain on Saturday. What a great hike. We went as a group of four, the other two in our party did not meet up with us in time. There were some missed communications in our meeting spot. I will not leave it to someone else to convey messages again.
It was a little cool when we started but after twenty minutes on the trail we warmed right up. I decided to Bring the D.dog on the trip. I was a little concerned that it would be too much for the little dog, but she proved to be a kick ass little hiker. I was really looking forward to taking my wife on the mountain. I always want to share my love for the outdoors with the one person that means the world to me ( I love my daughter just as much). We took around five hours to reach the summit, spent a few on the top having some lunch, and headed back down.
The trip back down was fun till we started with Shelby's short cuts. I really do not like to hike off trail even if is ok. My knees REALLY do not like the steep pounding and loose footing. My wife's knees are not used to that kind of abuse at all. Needless to say I started to get a little pissed we were taking these routes, but the promise to be finshed earlier had too much appeal for the rest of the group. We made the round trip in eight plus hours, had a great time doing it, and my wife rocks!!!!!
Now she knows how I feel after a marathon................
And for my friends back in Indiana this (tree) is what fall looks like here.