The day came early, 2:30 arghhhh. I am an early riser all my life but 2:30, too early. I had the car packed up the night before so it was just about taking care of eating, coffee, and the (ahem) bathroom requirements. We made the trip rather fast, there still is quite a bit of traffic on the 210 at 4:00am. Pre-race was business as usual just had to apply the grease to the appropriate parts and I was good to go.
I was (am) not in 50 miler shape this year so I opted for the 50k. Good choice! As we were waiting to start I had the chance to meet David Goggins. When asked if I could get a picture with him, he could not have been nicer.
I also met Jorge
And Greg
I think the best part of Ultra's Is hanging out with people that are just as nutty as myself.