Saturday, July 19, 2008

San G. PR

I had a splendid day on San G. I got up early and headed out. A little too early as I forgot to hang my parking permit in the window (again) this time there was no ranger to give my ticket to so I'll have to mail it. Back to the trip. I made good time on the first mile: 17 minutes. As I came around the corner I smelled smoke, that's not a good thing up there it is incredibly dry. I found a group of campers with a small fire. I tried to be cool in asking them to put it out. They did with a minimal of grouchy face. Funny thing though one of the hikers in that group thanked me fro being so adamant about putting it out. He tried to sway the others but they blew him off. It was a great morning having the trail to myself, as I was getting closer to halfway camp I was hyper vigilant about bears. I heard a crashing down in the creek. Bear? Much to may amazement I saw the coolest big horn sheep. I pulled out my camera and snapped off two quick shots. Unfortunately they did not come out. I was feeling good and decided to do my best not to look at my watch, I really wanted to hit the summit in under three hours. Something I have only done once before. Well the planets were lined up today I made the summit in 2:51:02. That beats my prior by four minutes. Sweet...........

1 comment:

Greg said...

Hey Willem, it was great meeting you, too, at Mt. Dis. Keep in touch, and let's try to pound out some runs, man!