Saturday, September 09, 2006

Saturdays Run

Did the Saturday morning hustle to the peak of Baden Powell along the PCT. Next week a few hundred people will be partaking in the AC100. Today I was dropped off a few miles before the parking area at the base of the trail. It added an extra four miles to the outing. Running along the PCT on the "other side" was really nice. Amazing how different the trails are from on ridge to another. I can't wait till spring when all the flowers are blooming on that trail. It will be spectacular. We ran to the base of Baden and ten it was mostly a Powerhike to the top. I ran when it flattened out maybe 10 to 20 yards at a time, but still kept a good pace. I should have eaten a bit more. Was feelin a bit flat. Split a Cliff bar at the top and headed down. Took me a bit to get pumped for the run down ,it wasn't long before we were at a nice steady jog to the bottom. All in all a great day to be on the mountain.

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