I have been hiking way more than running lately. The good thing is that they have been long hikes mostly over 9000ft. Any training is good training. I will get motivated to beat feet on the pavement in the morning. It is getting dark here at five so afterwork runs will be by headlamp.
The good thing about the runs I have done lately is that I have spent more time thinking about the things I am grateful in my life. I have a lovely wife whom I adore(and she me), a wonderful daughter, a good job, great people I can call my friends, and an annoying little Boston terrier that likes to hike and run. I stated in my intro that I want to run a 100 mile race. Well, that I am discovering is the easy part. Eat well and train. Simple...It is the other part, "learn a few things along the way" that is sometimes elusive. The lessons aren't always so clear. I am fortunate right now that I am in a good place, not wanting for much. My biggest lesson of late is that I ALWAYS need to have some grattitude for what I have.
Here is a Ginger at 9500ft. The summit of Baden Powell