Tuesday, June 04, 2013


So I'll be the first to admit it, I tend to whine like a little kid with a skinned knee (or french soccer player) at times. It's a quality I don't really care for. The good thing is that I do it less and less. Sometimes we talk about all of the negative aspects of facebook. I find so many good things.  I posted about facebragging and BOOM. I was blown away by all of the comments. Good and bad, I touched a nerve.

I read fb and continually think "WOW" that's kinda personal! Shouldn't you keep that to yourself? One of my other favorites,  people going on and on about their accomplishments. How much smoke can I blow up my own ass always comes to mind? Don't get me wrong we all need and want that pat on the back, but you know as well as I do it can be excessive. Really, you train all year long and won the Tuesday night world championships on Sunset? Were the four horsemen there? Oh they weren't, you kinda left that out.

I have a blog and I write about myself and can be really narcissistic. Why not, it's mine? Seriously I love to talk about my favorite subject, ME. Well if I'm throwing it out to the universe I might want to censor myself on occasion. I have a shitload of drafts. Many that should not be posted. Moslty the bitchy ones.
Let me get back to my rant, Facewanking. If you are talking about how you are being screwed by somebody you might be facewanking. You have a part in it, own it. If you are talking yourself up about something you haven't really done. Shut up, do it, then write about how awesome it was. Just know, there usually is somebody out there that has done it before,done it faster, done it better and talked a whole lot less about it.

Why is this on my mind? Well I'm about to toe the line in my sport of choice. It took me five years of pounding nails and learning before I called myself a carpenter. I finally feel I have run enough races to call myself a real ultrarunner, not a poser.

I will be humbled at this race, this I know, I welcome it. There are so many great runners out there and I will share the start line this Saturday with them.  I hope to share the finish line with them as well.

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